Activities and support during the coronavirus pandemic
In response to Covid-19, The Bike Project has transitioned its programmes to run online.
As Cyber Cyclists we will continue to support refugees remotely throughout this difficult time.
We recommend you read through everything on this page, but you can also choose the topic
you're most interested in by clicking the buttons below...
What is Cyber Cyclists?
What is the eligibility criteria?
How do I sign up?
What activities will The Bike Project run?
During weekdays we host a different bicycle themed group activity using Zoom. If you are registered for our programme you will receive an SMS invite each day with information about the planned activity. Activities will always be facilitated by a member of staff but they can be lead by any guest host from our community of refugees, volunteers, staff and supporters.
Activities include:
- Education: English for cyclists, preventative maintenance, tool handling, journey planning and what to pack for a bike ride.
- Physical Fitness: Exercise routines for cyclists, yoga for cyclists, how to improve cycling stamina and performance.
- Well-being: Yoga for relaxation, meditation, recipes and nutrition for cycling.
- Social & Cultural: Bicycle book and film club, virtual bike tours, interview Q+A series, bicycles in art history and bikes & activism
Current Timetable
DAY TIME ACTIVITY TYPE Monday 12:00pm Yoga for cyclists (fortnightly) Tuesday 9:00am Physical fitness for cyclists - (fortnightly) Thursday Various ABCD of Bike Care Friday 9am Yoga for cyclists
In addition to the above activities we provide a directory of other activities and support services which people can access at any time online. - We are also able to provide signposting and information to other support services, just get in touch.
We are aware that not everyone has access to WiFi or the devices to join in our daily online activities. If you would like to join our offline support programme (Pen Friends) then please get in touch and we will add you to our contact list. Once registered, you will receive daily SMS, telephone activities and support.
How do I connect to the Zoom meeting?
You can join our Zoom meetings from any smartphone or computer with WiFi from your usual internet browser by clicking the URL we send you. If you already have the Zoom app, that is great. If you have not used Zoom before, click here to find instructions in Arabic, Tigrinya, Somali, French and other languages.
If you cannot download Zoom or do not want to set up a Zoom account, you can still access the sessions. See instructions on how to do this below.
How do I connect to the Zoom group activity without the App or an email address?
All you need to do is follow the link that is sent to you in the daily SMS or email reminders we send to you and adjust your browser settings within the browser menu (choose to view "Desktop Site"). If you are not sure how to do this then watch the video tutorial below:
Help my bike is broken!
- Refugees with a free bike from The Bike Project are eligible for lifetime repairs and maintenance. At this time our workshop is closed but we are able to give you support over the phone or by video call to try and help you repair and maintain your bike yourself. Please contact us to request a phone call from a mechanic.
Where can I pump my tyres?
Cycle shops are an essential business and therefore most are still open despite the restrictions in place. Find out where your nearest bike shop is on Google and ring them to check if they are open and ask if you can come in to use a bike pump to ensure that your tyres are fully inflated. They should not normally charge you for this.
COVID-19 Health Information
Doctors of the World have put together some amazing resources about Coronavirus which they have translated into different languages most commonly spoken by refugees. You can access this information via their website. During this time we know that people may feel more anxious than usual. Please contact us if you would like further information about support services that can help or just for a chat.
We are here for you!
Call: 0207 733 80 98 Email for advice and support during this time. We aim to get back to you as soon as we can.