What bikes do The Bike Project accept?
We accept adult and children’s bikes in almost all conditions - all we ask is the bike has all or almost all of its components, no structural damage to the frame and no more than 25% rust. We sadly can't accept accessories or spare parts due to risk of issues further down the line. We also can't accept scooters as we haven't got the means to repair or donate these. If a potential donor contacts you to ask whether or not their bike meets the criteria and you are not sure of the answer, feel free to check with us.
What happens when a bike is dropped off?
Ideally the donor will have already registered their bike on our website in advance, so will turn up ready with their unique bike number. If they haven’t, please encourage them to do it while they are with you. It only takes a few minutes to complete, the form is mobile compatible and they will get their unique bike number by text and email instantly. Gift aid information is captured within the form, so it’s only 1 simple step for donors to complete. Once the donor has their unique bike number, please write this on one of the waterproof tags with a sharpie and attach it securely to the bike handlebars or handlebar stem.
You then need to check-in the bike so we know the bike has safely arrived with you. As soon as the bike has been checked-in the donor will receive an email to let them know it's been received and it will be working its way back to our workshop very soon. We will be also be able to see a real-time count of how many bikes you’ve got at your drop-off point, so you won’t need to let us know when you need a collection, we will be able to contact you when we see you filling up to schedule this in!
What do I do if I'm not going to be there to receive the bike?
That's a-okay! All you need to do is make sure the donor has registered their bike before they drop it off to you and ask them to send you their unique bike number. That way you can tag their bike when your back later using one of the waterproof tags and make sure it gets checked in. Once the bike has been checked in the donor will get an email to let them know the bike has been safely received.
What happens if I'm running low of bike tags, sharpies, hygiene supplies or need another lock or tarpaulin?
If you are running low of anything, just give us a shout and let us know what you need so we can pop these in the post to you. Please allow approx. a week for the delivery as we are no longer in the office full time. The drivers making collections will have a couple of spare rolls of tags for emergencies!
Should I still be following the COVID-19 drop-off point operating procedures?
Yes, for the safety of you and our donors, please ensure you are following the COVID-19 operating procedures
Do you offer bike collections for individual bike donors who aren’t able to get their bike to me?
Whilst we would love to pick up every bike donation we don’t have the luxury of a full time van or driver, plus it isn’t economical or green for us to send a van out to pick up a handful of bikes. Therefore, we can only offer collections where someone has 10+ bikes to donate. That’s why we’ve set up bike drop-off points to make it easier for local donations - making it more convenient for people to donate their old two-wheelers.
What happens if a donor has more than 10 bikes to donate?
If a bike donor has more than 10 bikes to donate, then it’s our lucky day! Please pass their details on to us so we can arrange for our driver to pick these up from them.