There's an A-Z of fundraising ideas in our Fun-draising Resources - plus strategies and tactics for promoting your cunning schemes!
How you promote your fundraising event is entirely personal - and it'll be most authentic if you do it your way!
Having said that, here are some ideas for how to maximise your shout-outs on social, as well as downloads of all the materials you might need for promotion on- and off-line.
Online and Social Media Tips
Online promo is great because you can link directly to your fundraising page and people can be donating their hard-earned in a single click.
It's not worth joining social media solely in order to promote your fundraising, but if you do have any active accounts, you'd do well to use them!
Try and use images and photos with your social media updates: they grab the attention far better than a wall of text. You can download some of our stock images to use further down this page.
Remember to tell people why you're raising money, not just that you want them to give. Think about what makes you open your wallet for a good cause.
Copy and paste this sample tweet!
"Only [X] weeks until I destroy my legs on [INSERT YOUR EVENT] Help me raise [£££] for @the_bikeproject and get [X] more refugees cycling in #London #refugeeswelcome [INSERT YOUR JUSTGIVING LINK]"
Emojis optional!
Shamelessly ask your close friends and family to like, retweet and share your social media posts so that your fundraising message can burst out beyond the filter bubble.
Use relevant hashtags like #refugeeswelcome to connect with people who might be interested in supporting refugees. If you're hosting an event, use the hashtag of your local area - #croydon or whatever.Create an event on Facebook and invite friends and followers.
strong>Keep your supporters updated with stories of how hard you're working to get refugees cycling. If you're entering a bike race for us, share the gruesome photos of sweaty training rides.
Remember to thank everybody who donates!
And, of course, follow The Bike Project and mention us in your posts so that we can help you spread the word. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Offline Promo
We're so addicted to our various screens that we often forget that the best way of convincing people to donate is face-to-face.
So if you're tired of tweeting, then why not become a walking billboard with one of our snazzy Bike Project t-shirts!
Remember to tell people about the impact of their donations. We gave over 1,200 bikes to refugees and asylum-seekers last year and those bikes changed lives for good - just read Maureen's story for inspiration.
Ask your boss if they can make a contribution on behalf of the company where you work (it's usually tax deductible!). Some super generous businesses will offer to match any funds you raise - an easy way to double your impact.
Get in touch with your local press. You might not read your local newspaper, but, honestly, local press can have a big impact. At the very least an article in print gives you something to share so that people remember what you're doing and why - and maybe that'll be the nudge they need to donate.
Posters and Logos
Open this editable PDF in a supported reader (Chrome, MS Edge and Adobe Reader) and enter the details of your event.
Download your fancy editable poster (1.39mb)Alternatively, print out this blank poster and use a good old fashioned pen!
Download your blank poster (206kb)If you're creating your own materials, then feel free to download and use one of our snazzy logos:
Download our one-line logo (54kb)
The Legal Bit
In keeping with charity law, please include the following statement on any publicity materials you make:
All proceeds/profits will be donated to The Bike Project, a registered charity in England and Wales (#1152354). The Bike Project works to get refugees cycling.
Nice one!